The subsequent legal disclaimer elaborates on the stipulations regarding fair use, testimonials, stock image utilization, and data submission, all of which are overseen by CrossRoad Solution.

Fair Use of Client Logo and Testimonials:

CrossRoad Solution retains the right to utilize the client’s logo and testimonials solely for internal marketing and promotional endeavours. Ensuring accuracy and fairness, we commit to using your logo and testimonials without misrepresentation. We respect your ownership of these materials and assure you that their application will be safeguarded against actions that could compromise your reputation.

Stock Images and Credit to Owner:

In our marketing materials, CrossRoad Solution may integrate stock images. These images will be sourced from reputable providers and will be employed in strict accordance with the licensing terms. As necessary, appropriate credit will be accorded to the original image proprietors. We conscientiously ensure that our usage of stock images aligns impeccably with their stipulated licensing agreements and terms.

Data Submission and Limited Use:

Your submission of data signifies your acknowledgment and acceptance of CrossRoad Solution’s intention to employ this data exclusively within a defined scope. This purpose revolves around enhancing your experience with our services. As stewards of your data, we prioritize confidentiality and commit to refraining from sharing it with external parties.

It is crucial to bear in mind that the veracity of this legal disclaimer remains susceptible to alterations without prior notification. Consistent review of this disclaimer is advisable to stay abreast of any modifications. Should inquiries or uncertainties arise pertaining to the utilization of your logo, testimonials, stock images, or submitted data, we invite you to initiate communication with us.

By continuing to avail our services and submitting materials, you signify your concurrence with the nuanced terms delineated within this legal disclaimer.